
Do You Care Who Bakes Your Bread?

In a recent FB re-post, I congratulated an African American sister on her commercial milestone with her Winery. I added, "I hope she completes the loop and deposits some of that net revenue at a "Black" bank...", to which a non-Black person replied to my post, "...Pathetic! Do you care who bakes your bread?" Relevant to today's (12/29) Kwanzaa principle of Ujamaa, Cooperative Economics, this is exactly why it is imperative that African Americans intentionally bank at least 5% or more of  our $1.8 Trillion+ collective income with our culture FIRST, before it matriculates back into the current "dominion" economy. This person's viscerally resentful response to my comment reveals the persistent paternalistic pathology that remains embedded in the psyche of many (not all) self-identified Euro-American people, in the present age.  "You don't ask who bakes the bread to feed your poor souls, so why should you care about depositing your m...

Make America Prepared Again! Get on the bus with us...

  "Make America Prepared Again"  by The Preparedness.Club™.   We're taking preparedness mainstream! Calling all faith preppers, futurists, visioneers, pioneers, 9-to-5ers & part-timers. Get on the bus with us. No need to leave your day jobs.  Here's all you have to begin to the quiet of your homes... Build your family foxhole of Tier 1 Preparedness: Build your 7 - 30 Water and Food Pantry. Build your  #SHTF (Stuff Hits The Fan) Cash Stash & Precious Metal Assets. Use 5-10-10-75 to "Bucket Boss" every dollar! Fortify your Backup Power & Communications Preparedness. Acquire a life-cycle preparedness skill, i.e. (Five-Mile Fitness, CPR, HAM radio, Solar Cooking, Canning, Multilingualism, etc) Prepare and save copies of essential documents: Proof of Citizenship (such as Birth Certificate), Insurance, Will, Living Will, POA, Trusts Prepare a Go-Bag for all family members...i...

iPrep2Thrive™ will transition, as of 11/1/2024, to a new brand identity: The Preparedness.Club™.

Hello Everyone... I have an announcement! iPrep2Thrive™ will transition, as of 11/1/2024, to a new brand identity: The Preparedness.Club™ , a Mutual Resilience Group. Here are five reasons for the brand name change…  Sense of Community:  I wanted to cultivate more of a sense of belonging, where members share knowledge, resources, and support in preparedness efforts. Most importantly, a "safe harbor" where preparedness input is valued.  Memorability: "The Preparedness.Club ™ " is simple, direct, and easy to remember. For those who remembered the iPrep2Thrive ™ brand name, without effort, don't worry. 😊It will continue to forward to the new name for several months, before I retire it. Clarity of Purpose: The new name immediately communicates the focus of The Preparedness.Club ™ It leaves no ambiguity about the mission, making it easier for people to understand what our ecosystem will offer. Scalability: The term "Club" suggests flexibility and the pot...

"Be ruthless to systems. Be kind to People" - Michael Brooks

Such a timely quote, it deserves reposting! N ow, more than ever, we need to be ruthless, not with people, but with the systems that keep people unprepared, in bondage, hurt and disillusioned. Do you agree? A solution: Be ruthless and strategic with our dollars. Push back, economically, against the "systems" that "profiteer" and thrive from the unpreparedness of American citizens. How? A preparedness industry and economy is the key. When individuals and families begin to practice, en masse, 5-10-10-75™ and utilize the principals of Securing the Future Success of the African & the African American Family , we'll begin to amass the collective economic POWER to dismantle the antiquated "systems" that have profiteered from our inequity and disadvantage, for centuries! At The Preparedness.Club , this is our version of Critical Mass Economics , an intentional mobilization of economic POWER, to the point of ignition of a radical new & benevolent...


Esther Kelly has lived through it all, 94 years, 1930 to present. She has seen the good, bad, and the ugly across nine decades. My mother is the wisest woman I’ll ever know. When I informed her, back in 2019, about the alarming prediction, that by 2053, African Americans are predicted to have zero media wealth, she didn’t dismiss it, like so many others want to do.   Given her longevity, experience, and wisdom, I asked my mother how , how   could this prediction persist, with so many African Americans among us, who appear to be doing well and wealthy. We have a whopping combined annual disposable income at $1.8 Trillion and growing.  Our intellectual prowess is indisputable. We are now well represented and contribute our genius to most every professional field. In my mother’s lifetime, she’s lived to see an African American President, and possibly a 2 nd ! How can we be headed toward zero median wealth? ARE WE MERELY POSTURING AND NOT PROSPERING?  My ...

Bank where your worth is watered...

Good Morning! If you self-identity as "Black" (as in African descent, and aren't we all? ) or African American and live in the U.S., I humbly request that you consider... In the same way we support our HBCUs, we should support our African American Banks and Credit unions throughout the country. They are high quality by virtue of the fact they survived (while other banks were getting bail-outs) Perhaps an initial inconvenience, but find them and bank with them...if we are truly "Black and Proud". They offer competitive rates and have privy to investment options same as mainstream banks! Also, it's no longer enough that we #BuyBlack . Until we begin to significantly "BankBlack", a majority of OUR $1.8 Trillion (2024) will continue, within hours of our deposit, to bankroll the economic base and grow the wealth of certain people (don't get it twisted, not all) that are proponents of #Project2025 , and opponents o...

I wish affiliate opportunity was available with Starlink, but I'm talking it up for no compensation...

...because I believe in its value as a Communications Backup device. The Starlink receives direct Internet signal from the 6,350 Starlink satellites in orbit . Talk about redundancy!  I purchased and used a Starlink Roam during the Eclipse 2024 Niagara Heritage Tour event @ Niagara Falls in April 8th. Reception, even on a cloudy day was 4 out of 4 Bars. In the past, after weather disasters, many phone companies would set up COWS (Cell on Wheels) to provide complementary Internet when towers were down. How'd they do it? They had direct access to Satellites. I didn't hear mention of any COW deployments during recent hurricane seasons. I guess those days are gone. We're on our own. For that reason we must all have our own recovery communications plan. Consider investing in a Starlink device as a family asset. You can activate & pause service as needed. As a resident of a Senior building, I'm always ready to deploy Starlink for my neighbors & family should we l...