Do You Care Who Bakes Your Bread?

In a recent FB re-post, I congratulated an African American sister on her commercial milestone with her Winery. I added, "I hope she completes the loop and deposits some of that net revenue at a "Black" bank...", to which a non-Black person replied to my post, "...Pathetic! Do you care who bakes your bread?" Relevant to today's (12/29) Kwanzaa principle of Ujamaa, Cooperative Economics, this is exactly why it is imperative that African Americans intentionally bank at least 5% or more of our $1.8 Trillion+ collective income with our culture FIRST, before it matriculates back into the current "dominion" economy. This person's viscerally resentful response to my comment reveals the persistent paternalistic pathology that remains embedded in the psyche of many (not all) self-identified Euro-American people, in the present age. "You don't ask who bakes the bread to feed your poor souls, so why should you care about depositing your m...