April is Family Financial and Strategic Preparedness Month at PerennialNC!

 April is Family Financial and Strategic Preparedness Month at PerennialNC!

Best 5 Tips to become a “Preparedness-Strong” Family: Financially & Strategically in 2023 and beyond! 

·         Teach financial preparedness early to young people. Our CashFlow 5-10-10-75™ app tool includes basic wisdom to “never spend 100% of your dollar and practice “faith-based giving”. 

·         Set the example! Everyone can use  5-10-10-75™ ! Use the CashFlow 5-10-10-75™  App or Excel Budget Spreadsheet. Remember, kids don’t do what we say, they do what we do!  

·         Create an Online Family Preparedness Hub.(Facebook Groups won’t cut the mustard)  A “Family Hub” is your private online “war room” to unify, empower and, engage in #SHTF communications planning & preparedness.  And inconvenient truth…many of today’s youth are going “adrift” for lack of a “safe family harbor”. They need this!

Plan to attend our next PerennialLIFE Pop-Ups this month to learn how to create a Hub! 

·         Resilience comes from good health. Sleep & sufficient water enhances good health and resilience. Make “sleep hygiene” and water consumption a strategic imperative for all family members. Sleep and water are among the most cost-free and accessible (in U.S. thankfully) strategies to better health, mental wellness, and life-cycle preparedness.

·         Make “Pray-paredness” a family imperative. The family that prays together stays together.

Maximize your potential to revive and thrive in any season.Subscribe to PerennialNC, for access to our entire “toolbox” of resources and opt-in income opportunity for you and your family to live your best . –


P.S. Don't forget a sense of family humor! Laughter is strategically good medicine! 

#strategic #financial  #preparedness  


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