September is National Preparedness Month - Harness your POWERS: Water, Energy, Communications!

Hi, iPrep2Thrive Members and Patrons!

September is National Preparedness Month. This month’s theme has historic significance, as we prepare for an upcoming Election!

In addition to the possibility of post-election shenanigans in November, the hurricane season, ongoing COVID outbreaks, an at-risk economy, and global tensions combine to make family and collective preparedness more necessary than ever before.

Today is also the 23rd anniversary of 9/11.  Back in 1996, the reasons that motivated me to begin promoting lifestyle readiness, even more so after 9/11, remain just as relevant today.

Preparedness means different things to everyone. "Doomsday prep" for some,  Retirement & Investments Preparation for others. It's a wide spectrum. 

In 1996, with a good job, 401K, and steady paychecks, preparedness didn't mean a thing to me, until Hurricane Fran. It was "personal doomsday" that brought me to my knees: financially and tactically. With two small children, no family around, and the children’s father deployed way out of town, it came down to survival for 10 traumatic days. Simply having enough of the following 3 resources until normalization returned was all I fought for:

  •   Water
  •  Energy (I had no electricity for 10 days!)
  • Communications (landline only back then)

Fortunately, my kids, only 6 and 9 then, only remember  my “roughing it” in 1996 as the greatest outdoor adventure. I ran out of matches, so did the stores!  Have you ever started a fire with a magnifier or a flint? Have you ever driven 50 miles just to get ice, to keep frozen food cold? Craziness!  All I knew was that, amidst all of this, God is able.

Fast forward to 2024, I continue to promote what I call Tier 1 Preparedness, which includes having a sufficiency of the above POWERS: Water, Energy, addition to food and essential documents.  

While FEMA is telling us all to be ready to self-sustain for 3-7 days, the reality is closer to 21-30 days. Don’t be vulnerable to desperate decision-making when #SHTF. Be ready, for the duration.

This month I urge everyone to start where you are. Have a family dialogue and begin a project of Tier 1 Preparedness. These five goals below will help you harness the three powers: water, energy, communications.

  1. Build your 21 - 30 Water and Food Pantry. Obviously, 21 days of water would take up huge space! As your space allows, start with 1/gal water per day per person for 7 days.

  2. Fortify your Backup Power & Communications Preparedness, so no loved ones go amiss!

  3. Build your #SHTF(Stuff Hits The Fan) Cash Stash & Precious Metal Assets. Use CashFlow 5-10-10-75to "Bucket Boss" your money!

  4. Acquire a life-cycle preparedness skill, i.e. (Five Mile Fitness, CPR, HAM radio, Solar Cooking, Canning, etc)

  5. Prepare and save copies of essential documents: Proof of Citizenship (such as Birth Certificate), Insurance, Will, Living Will, POA, Trusts

Furthermore I have launched the iPrep2Thrive MAG (Mutual Assistance Group),  to focus specifically on sharing best practices for individual and collective preparedness of the Three Powers, before an at-risk event occurs. Be ready so you don’t have to get ready!

  • Water
  • Energy 
  • Communications 
All current iPrep2Thrive members already have access to The MAG. 

Not a member?  Sign up! We’ve got the hook up  for Tier 1 Preparedness Empowerment to keep your boat afloat in all seasons! 

Have a resilient month ahead! 


Pamela Kelly, Founder iPrep2Thrive™



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