Esther Kelly has lived through it all, 94 years, 1930 to present. She has seen the good, bad, and the ugly across nine decades. My mother is the wisest woman I’ll ever know.

When I informed her, back in 2019, about the alarming prediction, that by 2053, African Americans are predicted to have zero media wealth, she didn’t dismiss it, like so many others want to do.  

Given her longevity, experience, and wisdom, I asked my mother how, how could this prediction persist, with so many African Americans among us, who appear to be doing well and wealthy. We have a whopping combined annual disposable income at $1.8 Trillion and growing. Our intellectual prowess is indisputable. We are now well represented and contribute our genius to most every professional field.

In my mother’s lifetime, she’s lived to see an African American President, and possibly a 2nd! How can we be headed toward zero median wealth? ARE WE MERELY POSTURING AND NOT PROSPERING? 

My mother then said 4 words that "dropped the mike" as they say. Four words that said it all! … “We have no base!”, Wuh? I said.  “WE HAVE NO BASE!”, she repeated.

In stark brevity my mother was expressing fact! We have no recognizable economic base, by which our cultural collective investment grows and compounds.  No multitude of culturally safe harbors - of brick and mortar- that we own, where our children and families are nourished and flourish. 

Very few of these tangible expressions of cultural wealth exist, in spite of our $1.8 Trillion annually increasing income. Sure, we have our multitude of churches, a spiritual "base" that is now struggling financially. How many of our churches have "burned the Mortgage" for all time, paid in full? 

Sure we can blame it all on our old nemesis, racism. My mother doesn't.

She remembers the Brook St/Liberty St. neighborhood of her Hartford, Connecticut youth. She says it wasn’t perfect, amidst the discrimination of the time, but we "owned" ourselves then and our futures held great expectations. Within the enclave of my mother's childhood neighborhood, there were two parent families, though hers was the exception. Mom's mother died when she was four. Her father refused to give up his 3 children, at the urging of "the state." His sisters came to town, to help out. Family was the main currency of mother's era.

Everyone lived within their means and trusted each other, often leaving doors unlocked. "We supported one another in good times and bad." 

The memories persist, even as the familial ties became fragile, and the brick and mortar infrastructures vanished, due to urban renewal, integration, and the desire to assimilate.

Yes, here in 2024, mom says, “WE HAVE NO BASE!”, and it is the reason for all that we now face.


The Solution? Until we invest in, and BUILD our economic BASE, we are building every other culture's economic base first, rather than ours! 

A preparedness industry and economy, of our making,  is our best and most powerful solution and a sustainable BASE!  Why? Preparedness Pays!  Inevitably, people encounter situations where preparedness investment becomes imperative to survival, revival, and thrival. Position yourself in this industry to meet needs at every stage.

At Century 5-10-10-75 and its Campaigns, our goal is to engage 10,000  Futurists to become the visioneers and pioneers of a new preparedness-driven economic frontier: 

STEP UP! TAKE THE PLEDGE to build a preparedness economy in your household. It will lead to a preparedness industry, economy, and opportunity. That is how we will avoid #Prediction2053

1. 1Download the app and practice 5-10-10-75™ cash flow mathodology.

a.      Invest in kinship community business 5%+

b.      Save 10%+

c.      Give 10%

d.      Reduce consumer spending to 75% or less.

2.  2Practice Tier 1 Preparedness

3.  Bank & Invest African American at least 5%
4.  Support sustainability technologies for: Water, Communications, Power
5.  Trust God
6.  Begrudge no one their success, if they earned it through honest labor and self-preparedness. If they did to, trust God to judge their lot.  

Imagine!  When 10,000 Futurists do this, it will ignite a critical mass of economic "churn" in the right direction.  A new pathology of preparedness will spread out in every direction across our population.  That is how we will flip the script on the 2053 Prediction.

Collective Cultural Preparedness can bring out the best in all of U.S. 

HONOR THE ANCESTORS AND WISE ELDERS.  They still have the answers! 


Dedicated to Esther Kelly, 2024 


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